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PermalinkTibetans trying to kick the meat habit
[since 1959] a subtle change in the Tibetan people's mindset has taken place. There are comparatively younger Tibetans who are opting for a vegetarian diet today. Even among the older generation there are efforts to change the age-old meat-eating habit. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has spurred this effort through his public advice for people to adopt vegetarianism. Many Tibetan monasteries in exile, which used to serve meat to the clergy in the Assembly halls during prayer sessions, have now stopped doing that. Some monasteries run vegetarian restaurants. The Tibetan Department of Health even organized some cooking workshops on vegetarian meals. A vegetarian Tibetan has even come out with a hard hitting documentary on the slaughterhouses in an effort to discourage the Tibetan people from meat eating.

The Times of Tibet - Why Be Vegetarian?


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